Minggu, 09 Oktober 2011

The Love Stories

Mandadak galau. Oke, malam ini aku akan meng"copypaste" kan quotes about love, yang aku tongkrongin malam ini.

Source: @TheLoveStories

  • You cannot force a person to show you respect, but you can refuse to be disrespected. #TLS
  • At some point you have to realize that some people can stay in your heart, but not in your life. #TLS
  • Everyone makes mistakes. You can either use that to become a better & stronger person or you use it as an excuse not to. #TLS
  • If you fall, pick yourself up & keep on moving. Cause that is what God wants you to do! God will even carry you IF you ask! #TLS
  • Don't be upset if they preferred someone else. It's difficult to convince a monkey that strawberries are sweeter than bananas. #TLS
  • We may love & cry for the wrong person, but believe on thing for sure: mistakes help us to find the right person. #TLS
  • Love is always complicated. But still humans must try to love each other. We must get our hearts broken sometimes. #TLS

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