Senin, 05 November 2012


"Commitment is a funny thing, you know? It's almost like gettig a tattoo. You think and you think and you think and you think before you get one. And once you get one, it sticks to you hard and deep"

Ini adalah cerita lanjutan dari buku DIVORTIARE karya Ika Natassa. Kalau di Divortiare adalah cerita pasca perceraian antara si banker Alexandra dan heart surgeon Beno, di buku Twivortiare ini kedua tokoh tersebut balikan dan remarried :)
Baru dua kali ini aku baca buku bergaya MetroPop dan cerita tentang kehidupan pernikahan, but I think i'm falling in love with Ika Natassa, Alexandra and Beno ! Love their love-hate relationship, semoga mereka ga cerai lagi..

  • You are not really a couple until you can each other's company in silences. You know when a couple just started dating, they'd do anything to avoid the silences between them? They'd keep trying to find topics to talk about to minimize the awkward silence. Because awkward silence drives each one to everthink of what other is thinking. "Kog diem aja, ya?" or "Gue tadi salah ngomong apa?". But as you both grow up in the relationship, you will come to a point where being around each other tanpa harus ngobrol is okay and normal.
  • Because we're bot busy, way to busy that the only way for us to still be with each other as much as we can is to develop a mutual dependance. I depend on him on some things and he depends on me on some things. Karena kalau 2 orang menikah kayak gue dan dia : we both have our own money, we have our own lives, dan dengan cinta aja nggak cukup untuk make it through. Harus ada saling butuh. That's what we didn't hold strong in our first marriage. Jadi when things get tough, karena masing-masing independen dan bisa berdiri sendiri, gampang banget buat bilang pisah dan cerai.
  • Just because someone doesn't love you the way you want him to, doesn't mean he doesn't love you with everything he has. Learned that the hard way.

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